- 10:00-11:00 Demba Barry (Université des Sciences, des Techniques et des Technologies de Bamako, Mali)
- Title:The descent of biquaternion algebras
- Abstract: Let K/F be a separable quadratic extension and let B be a biquaternion algebra defined over K with trivial corestriction. We associate with B a degree 3 cohomological invariant that determines whether B has a descent to F up to isomorphism. We show the connection between the non-triviality of this invariant and the existence of indecomposable algebras of degree 8 and exponent 2. As applications, we give examples of indecomposable algebras of degree 8 and exponent 2 aver a field of cohomological dimension 3.
In characteristic 2, the results of this talk are based on a joint work with A. Chapman and A. Laghribi.
- 11:10-12:10 Max Dickmann
(IMJ-PRG, Université Paris Cité et Sorbonne Université, France)
- Title: Special groups and quadratic forms over rings with
non-zero-divisor coefficients
- Abstract:
Joint work with F. Miraglia (Univ. de São Paulo) and H. Ribeiro (Univ.
de São Paulo) published with the title above in Fundamenta
vol. 258 (2022), pp. 153-209.
We present an algebraic theory of diagonal quadratic forms with non-
zero-divisor coefficients over preordered (commutative, unitary) rings
?A, T ?, where 2 is invertible and the preorder T satisfies a mild
additional requirement, the zero-divisor property. We prove that several
major results known to hold in the classical theory of quadratic forms
over fields, like the Arason-Pfister Hauptsatz and Pfister's
local-global principle, carry over to any class of preordered rings
satisfying a property called NT-quadratic faithfulness, a notion central
to our results. We prove that this property holds, and hence the
above-mentioned results are valid, for many classes of rings frequently
met in practice, such as:
(i) reduced f-rings and some of their extensions, for which Marshall's
signature conjecture and a vast generalization of Sylvester's inertia
law are also true; and
(ii) reduced partially ordered Noetherian rings and many of their
quotients, a result of interest in real algebraic geometry.
This paper provides a broad extension of the theory developed in [M.
Dickmann and F. Miraglia, Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. 238 (2015), no. 1128]
and of the methods employed therein.
- 14:00-15:00 Eli Matzri (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
- Title:Computing the correstriction in K_n.
- Abstract
Rosset and Tate showed how to compute the cor in K_2. In this talk I will explain how to extend their method
to the case of arbitrary n and give an application for the symbol length question.
- 15:10-16:10 Steven Dougherty
(University of Scranton, USA)
- Title:Codes and the MacWilliams Relations
- Abstract:
We shall describe various dualities that give rise to MacWilliams relations for additive codes
and we describe consequences of these relations in this setting.