1. Un corps de caractéristique nulle, algébrique sur son centre, muni d’une involution S et d’une S-dérivation algébrique et non interne,
    Compte-rendu de l’académie des sciences Paris, 293 (1981), pp. 235-236

  2. Anneaux simples différentiels,
    actes du « VIème Congrès du groupement des mathématiciens d’expression latine, pp. 247-250

  3. Sur les anneaux simples différentiels, en collaboration avec J.P. TIGNOL et P. VAN PRAAG,
    Communications in algebra, (10), n° 12, pp. 1307-1314

  4. Dérivations algébriques sur les corps gauches, Bull. Soc. Math. de Belgique, fascicule 1, série B, 1984, pp. 91-103

  5. Dérivées logarithmiques pour une S-dérivation algébrique,
    Communications in algebra, (13) 1985, pp. 85-99

  6. Quelques remarques à propos des S-dérivations, en collaboration avec J. MATCZUK, Communications in algebra, (13) 1985, pp. 1229-1244

  7. Dérivations algébriques, thèse, Université de l’Etat à Mons, 1985

  8. Dérivations et automorphismes d’anneaux premiers, en collaboration avec J. MATCZUK. Communications in algebra, ( 13 ), 1985, pp. 1245-1266

  9. Ensembles algébriques dans les corps gauches et dérivées logarithmiques,
    Actes du VIIème Congrès du groupement des mathématiciens d’expression latine, Coimbra, 1985

  10. S-dérivations algébriques sur les anneaux premiers
    Springer lectures notes in mathematics, vol. (1197), 1986, pp. 114-120

  11. S-dérivations algébriques sur les corps gauches et sur les anneaux premiers,
    Communications in algebra, ( 14 ), 1986, pp. 1473-1479

  12. Les octaves de Cayley ont l’élimination linéaire 2,
    Bull. Soc. Math. De Belgique, vol.( 39 ), Fasc. 2, série B, 1987, pp. 237-241

  13. Sur le centralisateur de l’indéterminée dans le corps des fractions des anneaux de polynômes gauches, en collaboration avec N’KANZA MFUNDU,
    Bull. de l’école des Sciences de l’Académie Royale de Belgique, vol. 73, 1987, pp. 84-86

  14. Algebraic conjugacy classes and skew polynomial rings, in collaboration with T.Y. LAM,
    perspectives in ring theory, proceedings of the 1987 NATO workshop in Antwerp, Reidel, 1988, 50 pages

  15. On the Gelfand-Kirillov dimension of normal localization and twisted polynomial rings », in collaboration with J. MATCZUK and J. OKNINSKI,
    perspectives in ring theory proceedings of the NATO workshop in Antwerp, Reidel, 1988, 205-214

  16. Vandermonde and Wronskian matrices over division rings, in collaboration with T.Y. LAM,
    Bull. Soc. Math. de Belgique, vol. 40 , série A, 1988, pp. 281-286

  17. Vandermonde and Wronskian matrices over division rings, with T.Y. LAM
    Journal of algebra, vol.119, n° 2, décembre 1988, pp. 308-336

  18. Invariant and semi-invariant polynomials in skew polynomial rings, in collaboration with T.Y. LAM, K.H.LEUNG, J. MATCZUK,
    in « ring theory 1989 » (in honour of S.A. AMITSUR), ed. L. ROWEN, Israel Mathematical conference proceedings, pp. 153-203, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

  19. Gelfand-Kirillov dimension of certain localizations, with J. MATCZUK.
    Archi. der Math. Vol. 53 , 439-447 (1989)

  20. Prime ideals of Ore extensions, with J. MATCZUK.
    Communications in algebra, 19(7), 1893-1907 (1991)

  21. Homomorphisms between Ore extensions, with T.Y. LAM. Contemporary Mathematics Vol. 124 , 83-110 (1992)

  22. The extended centroid and X-inner automorphism of Ore extensions, with J. MATCZUK.
    Journal of algebra, vol. 145 , 143-177, n° 1, January 1992

  23. Hilbert 90 theorems over division rings, with T.Y. LAM
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 345, 595-622, n° 2, October 1994

  24. Normes et theorems 90 d’Hilbert
    paru dans “note di informatica I fisica” CERFIM LOCARNO, vol. 7 , décembre 1994, pp. 197-200

  25. Structure et arithmétique des extensions de Ore , mémoire présenté en vue d’obtenir l’habilitation à diriger des recherches.

  26. Pseudo linear transformation and evaluation in Ore extensions
    Bull. Soc. Math. Belg. Vol. 2, n° 3, May 1995, 321-347

  27. Primitivity of skew polynomial and skew Laurent polynomial rings, with J. MATCZUK
    Communications in Algebra, 24(7), 1996, pp. 2271-2284

  28. Recognition and Computations of Matrix Rings, en collaboration avec T.Y. LAM
    Israel Journal of Mathematics 96, 1996, pp. 379-397

  29. Primeness, semi-primeness and prime radical of Ore extensions » with T.Y. LAM and J. MATCZUK Communications in Algebra, 25 (8), 1997, pp. 2459-2506

  30. On uniform dimensions of ideals in right non-singular rings » with S.K. JAIN and T.Y. LAM
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, décembre 1998

  31. Principal One-sided Ideals in Ore Polynomial Rings » with T.Y. LAM,
    Contemporary Math., 259, 2000,pp. 333-352

  32. Artinian property of constants of algebraic q-skew derivations » with P. GRZESZCZUK and J. MATCZUK
    Israel journal of mathematics 121 (2001), 265-284

  33. Wedderburn polynomials over division rings, I » with T.Y.LAM
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 186 (2004) 43-76. 26

  34. F-indépendence and factorizations in 2-firs » ,en collaboration avec Adem Ozturk
    Communications in Algebra, Vol. 32 (5) (2004), 1763-1792.

  35. On induced Modules over Ore extensions, en collaboration avec J. Matczuk
    Communications in Algebra, 32 (2004), 2743-2766

  36. Goldie conditions for Ore extensions over semiprime rings, en collaboration avec J. Matczuk,
    Algebras and Representation Theory, 8, (2005), 679-688.

  37. Ore Extensions Satisfying a Polynomial Identity, en collaboration avec J. Matczuk
    Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 5, (3) (2006), 287-306.

  38. Noncommutative symmetric functions and Wedderburn polynomials, en collaboration avec Jonathan Delenclos
    Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 6 (5) (2007), 815-837

  39. Wedderburn polynomials over division rings, II » collaboration avec T.Y. LAM and A. Ozturk
    Proceedings of a conference held in Chennai at the Ramanujan Institute (Indes) Contemporary mathematics (456) 2008, pp. 73-98

  40. Quasi duo skew polynomial rings, en collaboration avec J. Matczuk et E. Puczylowski.
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra; Volume 212, Issue 8, August 2008, Pages 1951-1959

  41. Ore extensions and V-domains, en collaboration avec S.K. Jain et T.Y.Lam
    Proceedings of a conference in honour of C. Faith, B. Osofsky, Contemporary Mathematics 480, 2009, pp 249-262

  42. A description of Quasi duos Z graded rings, en collaboration avec J.Matczuk et E. Puczylowski
    Communications in Algebra, Volume 38, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 1319 – 1324.

  43. Rings over which Cyclics are direct sums of projective and CS or noetherian, with S.K. Jain et C. Holston
    Glasgow Mathematical Journal Vol 52, 2010, pp 103-110.

  44. On q-skew Ore extensions satisfying a Polynomial Identity, with J. Matczuk
    journal of Algebra and its Applications, Volume 10, Issue 04, August 2011

  45. ADS modules, with Adel Alahmadi and S.K. Jain
    Journal of Algebra Vol. 352 (1) Pages 215-222, 2012; PDF

  46. Noncommutative polynomial maps,
    Journal of Algebra and its Applications Volume 11, Issue 04, 2012; PDF

  47. Ring Endomorphisms with large images, with J. Matcuk
    Glasgow mathematical journal, Vol. 55, Issue 02, 2013, pp 381-390; PDF

  48. (Sigma, Delta) codes, avec M'Hammed Boulagouaz
    Advances in Mathematics of Communications Vol. 7, 2013; PDF

  49. Idempotents in extensions of rings, with P. Kanwar et J Matczuk
    Journal of Algebra, Volume 389, 1 September 2013, Pages 128-136; PDF

  50. Decomposition of singular matrices into idempotents, with Adel Alahmadi et S.K. Jain
    Linear and multilinear algebra, Volume 62, Issue 1, 2014; PDF

  51. Right strongly McCoy Rings, avec J. Matczuk
    Contemporary Mathematics, Vol 609, 2014; PDF

  52. Euclidean pairs and quasi euclidean rings, with A. Alahmadi, T.Y.Lam and S.K. Jain
    Journal of Algebra, Volume 406, 15 May 2014, Pages 154-170; PDF

  53. Clean elements in polynomial rings, with P.Kanwar and J. Matczuk
    Contemporary math. Vol 634 PDF

  54. Chains of prime ideals and primitivity of $\mathbb{Z}$-graded algebras, with B. Greenfeld A. Smoktunowicz and M. Ziembowski
    Algebra and representation theory, January 2015 PDF

  55. Leapfrog Constructions: From Continuant Polynomials to Permanents of Matrices, with Alberto Facchini
    The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics Volume 22, Issue 1 (2015) PDF

  56. Decompositions into products of idempotents, With A. Alahmadi, S.K. Jain and A. Sathaye
    Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, Vol. 29, 2015. PDF

  57. Euclidean Self dual codes over noncommutative Frobenius rings, en collaboration avec S. Dougherty,
    Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 2015 PDF

  58. Zip property of certain ring extensions, with J. Matczuk
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 220, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 335–345 PDF

  59. Exponents of skew polynomial rings, en collaboration avec Ahmed Cherchem,
    Finite Fields and their Applications, Vol.37, 2016 PDF

  60. Long module skew codes are good, en collaboration avec Alahmadi et Sole,
    Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 339, 2016. PDF .

  61. Elementary matrices and products of idempotents, en collaboration avec Alberto Facchini,
    Accepted for publication in Linear and multilinear algebra, 2016.

En cours ou soumis, en vrac:
  1. Skew sequences, en collaboration avec A. Cherchem.
  2. The duality and the direction of polycyclic codes, en collaboration avec S. Dougherty et P. Solé.
  3. Rings with particular units groups., en collaboration avec T. Kosan, A. Leroy, J. matczuk.
  4. On the duality and the direction of polycyclic codes.
  5. Decomposotion of stochastics matrices, with A. Alahmadi and S.K. Jain.
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